HR Committee: Beyond Data: Greater Applications of Compensation and Benefits Surveys
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ICT
Members: Free of charge
Non-members: 1,000 baht
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What’s happening in the world of work and rewards, and how can the data guide you to lead people strategies or solve the people and financial equation?
HR is more than a function, it is a mission that requires a clear vision. Learn from three contemporary HR stories, supported with real data and employee experiences, from companies navigating the challenges of digital transformation. Come hear what companies are doing to navigate today’s unique people attraction and retention challenges.
Our Speakers:
Tony Kantapasara, Director of Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Cambodia, Willis Towers Watson Thailand.
He has more than 10 years experience. He brings significant knowledge of emerging reward practices from his engagements with companies both in Thailand and across the region.
Naraphorn Inthachuea, Senior Associate Director, Willis Towers Watson Thailand.
She has partnered with clients in addressing strategic HR initiatives while managing a team of consultants to provide the finest consultancy services and support clients in growing their businesses through people strategy.
Wanvimol Tangtheintong, Associate Director, Willis Towers Watson Thailand
She holds both job architecture and talent assessment accreditations and has extensive experience in developing simple to complex work & rewards architectures. She combines knowledge of job & work & skills to develop futuristic frameworks for forward-looking organizations.
Pariwat Rattanasiripirom, Associate Director, Willis Towers Watson Thailand.
He holds career map accreditation and has extensive experience guiding organizations to set up career frameworks. He combines knowledge of job and pay to develop reward guidelines for organizations in Thailand for both executive and non-executive levels.