Education Committee: Education Insight Exchange
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM ICT
Video Conference
Members only: Free of charge
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Calling members from the Education industry!
We would like to invite you to meet industry peers in a focused member-to-member discussion around common topics of interest. This month’s theme is the disruptions and learnings from the great online learning experiment which transformed all aspects of the education industry over the last two years.
The event kicks off with a brisk round of introductions where each participant shares name and organization, and their answers to the following questions:
- What innovations would you keep from the last two years?
- What constraints would you like to leave behind?
- What kind of help would you like to ask from other members of the group?
Following the initial discussion, members will join smaller breakout groups, led by the committee leaders, to discuss solutions and ideas. Contacts will be shared after the meeting to allow members to build further on connections they have made and conversations they have started.