Customs & Excise Council: New Developments in Strategic Trade Controls and Compliance in Thailand and the United States
Date and Time
Friday Sep 2, 2022
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM ICT
Conrad Bangkok Hotel
Free for AMCHAM Members. Members-Only.
Contact Information
Mai (
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Please join our Board Governor and Customs & Excise Council Co-chairs to welcome our distinguished guests and learn about Trade Control on Weapons of Mass Destruction (TCWMD), with relevant regulations on trade controls and compliance of Thailand and the US.
TCWMD Act B.E. 2562 has taken effect since January 2020. The regulation prescribes a list of specific items, controlled activities, and their requirements. As the Act regulates all items that might be relevant to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, regulations to ensure efficient screening such as Catch-All-Control (CAC) Notification and Internal Compliance Program (ICP) Notification have been introduced accordingly. This seminar aims to build capacity and understanding of the private sector to efficiently comply with both Thai and the US regulations on TCWMD.
Topics of the seminar include 1) an overview and recent developments of Thailand?s Strategic Trade Controls; including CAC Notification, ICP Notification, and outlook on the future implementation of the TCWMD Act; 2) an overview and recent developments of the US Strategic Trade Controls and Sanctions, and the application to AMCHAM members; and 3) best practices for complying with Thailand and the US Strategic Trade Controls. The seminar will conclude with a group discussion on enhancing collaborations with the relevant agencies under the Royal Thai Government.
This program will last half a day with lunch provided. Due to space limitations, confirmation of attendance will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The last registration date is Monday August 29, 2022.