Talent Assessment International Co. Ltd.
Management ConsultingOther Consulting & AdvisoryPayroll & HR Outsourcing
About Us
TAI provides process consulting for the Selection Process. Most organizations can make substantial improvements in their selection process decisions by applying the processes and tools that TAI provides. TAI provides an on-line Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ) that identifies the critical 8-12 Competencies needed for successful performance in a job. The results of the JAQ plus the Job Descriptions (TAI provided consulting to make the JD a useful document), allows each organization build a behavioral interviewing process, focused on getting interviewers to collect past performance examples of a candidates competency development. TAI will help prepare customized interview guides and Interviewer training to make effective use the selecting talent interview process and tools. In addition, TAI's expert staff of I/O Psychologists provide their proprietary Cognitive Ability and Big 5 Personality Assessments to identify the fit and suitability to get along in the culture of the organization, thus eliminating another source of candidate failure. TAI's psychometric questionnaires have the highest reliability and validity (accuracy) that eliminates bias and promotes fairness in selecting talent. and The results are lower turnover of staff, improved onboarding and retention. The Selecting Talent Process results in removing unnecessary delay in making selection decisions, increased confidence in the decisions made, and alignment of decision makers on the desired outcomes. Candidates and organizations find that this process results in improved candidate communication, faster decisions, better understanding of the new organization, the job, new team, how the candidate will fit in and greater acceptance of offers made.