OMNOVA Engineered Surfaces (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
About Us
Few companies touch as many aspects of everyday living as OMNOVA Solutions. Our stunning and durable commercial wallcoverings, upholstery fabrics and laminates provide the finished surfaces for furniture, walls, vehicle seating and a variety of other uses. Our innovative emulsion polymers and specialty chemicals add distinctive performance features to many of today's essential products, such as coated paper, carpeting, disposable and durable nonwovens, and textiles. Simply put, we help customers add that extra measure of value that makes their products stand out in the marketplace.
Industry Leader: OMNOVA's core competencies are a novel blend of the aesthetic and the practical. We design, develop and manufacture most of the products we offer, serving a global marketplace for a variety of commercial, industrial and residential end uses.
Proud Legacy: The OMNOVA name is fairly young, but our roots run deep. In 1999, the company was spun off from GenCorp Inc., a major technology-based manufacturer that first began operations in 1915 as The General Tire and Rubber Company.
AMCHAM Member Since 2008