Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte., Ltd.
Payment Platforms & Financial Technology
About Us
Mastercard is a technology company in the global payments industry that connects consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses worldwide, enabling them to use electronic forms of payment instead of cash and checks. Our goal is to deliver value and better ways to pay. As the operator of the world's fastest payments network, we facilitate the processing of payment transactions, including authorization, clearing and settlement, and deliver related products and services. We work with merchants to help them enable new sales channels, create better purchase experiences, increase revenues and fight fraud. For consumers, we provide better, safer and more convenient ways to pay. We make payments and everyday commerce -such as shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances -easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone. We work with governments and other partners to advance financial inclusion around the world. We believe that all people should have an opportunity to participate in the global economy. Our payment innovations as well as our philanthropic and consumer education programs, bring the benefit of finance to the unbanked and underbanked, helping them build a stronger future for themselves, their families and their communities.
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Rep/Contact Info
Ms. Praemas Charoenpong
Director, Account Management