The Customs & Excise Council will convene virtually on February 14. Please find the meeting agenda as follow:
1. Update the draft letter of counterfeit products to Customs Dept., presented to the Board on 7 Feb
2. DFT ICP training course in ENG section
3. Draft agenda of annual meeting with Customs Dept.
a. Simplifying and digitizing cross-border clearance and Customs Department’s policy priorities
b. National Single Window: Development of Digital FTA, with clear guidelines on the expectations on importers to confirm eligibility for the FTA with their overseas suppliers
c. Interdepartmental Data Exchange among Customs Department, Excise Department, and Revenue Department
d. VAT penalty exemption
e. Payment deferral on appeal cases
f. Encourage additional AEO certified customs brokers
4. Draft agenda of annual meeting with Excise Dept.
a. Alcohol: Comments on alcohol excise restructure
- Request preparation period, similar to sugar tax.
- Other industry has known tax rate increase risk, requesting same practice
b. Counterfeit product impacts to Excise Dept.
c. Follow up status of the excise tax contribution to elderly fund (earmark tax)
d. Excise Dept. role in carbon tax study and carbon credit
e. Nutrition drink: TBC by Abbott
f. Auto: potential new battery technology in EV production
g. Tobacco: (TBC)
5. Update 1st meeting with OPDC
6. Customs regulatory update
7. Excise regulatory update, Auto: Cabinet approval in early Feb/23
a. EV battery excise rate reduction from 8% to 1%
b. EV battery plant incentive depending on the plant capacity
c. On-going study by Excise Dept.
All AMCHAM members are welcome to attend the Customs & Excise Council meetings to stay abreast of the policy priorities that AMCHAM advocates for on behalf of members. Advance registration is necessary.
To continue to receive updates on our meetings and activities, or to request to join the Council, please contact